Annual inventory

December 15, 2022
Katica Reljanović
annual inventory

December is also the month of conducting the annual inventory.

Do you know what exactly needs to be listed, when and according to which laws?

Accounting Act:

• The entrepreneur is obliged to list assets and liabilities during the business year, and at the latest at the end of the business year, and to reconcile the accounting balance with the listed actual balance.

General Tax Act

• The taxpayer must list all their assets and liabilities and state their individual values at the end of every business year as an annual list.

Therefore, the inventory is not only a count of long-term tangible assets and stocks, but a list of all assets: including, among other things, receivables, money, financial assets, and all obligations: towards suppliers, employees, the state, for loans...

The date of conducting the inventory is not legally prescribed, but it must be done at the end of each business year.

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